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SPSS 15.0 Guide to Data Analysis

Book Cover SPSS 15.0 Guide to Data Analysis
by Marija J. Norušis
ISBN 0-13-159389-7
Prentice Hall
Pages 672

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Download corrected data CD for release 15

The SPSS 15.0 Guide to Data Analysis helps you learn about statistics and SPSS by analyzing real data. Each chapter discusses both statistical concepts and the SPSS interface for specifying the analysis in version 15 of SPSS or the SPSS Student Version. (Click on the links on the left for information about other editions of this book.) Assumptions underlying the statistical procedures are explained, as well as methods for checking the assumptions.

Contents at a glance:

Part 1 Getting started with SPSS:
Setting up a data file; using the online tutorial and Help system; evaluating strategies for acquiring data
Part 2 Describing Data:
Histograms, bar charts, stem and leaf plots, boxplots; scatterplots; tables and summary statistics
Part 3 Testing Hypotheses:
One sample t-test; paired and two sample t-tests; oneway and twoway analysis of variance; chi-square tests; nonparametric tests
Part 4 Examining Relationships:
Measures of association; linear regression and correlation; multiple regression; examining residuals and other diagnostics
Include detailed instructions for producing charts with SPSS, and a thorough overview of the facilities for transforming and selecting data prior to analysis.


  • Readers' questions are anticipated and clearly addressed, in special sections scattered throughout the book.
  • To help you focus on the contents, each chapter begins with a set of questions which are discussed in the chapter
  • Data sets from many disciplines are analyzed
  • Detailed instructions are given for obtaining all of the output in the book
  • Statistical concept and data analysis exercises are included with each chapter
  • SPSS Inc. staff review the book for accuracy

Examples include:

  • Who uses the Internet, and how much?
  • How do marathon completion times differ for men and women of various ages?
  • Are Internet users more or less likely to use the library?
  • Is there a relationship between education and the perception of the importance of manners?
  • Does Internet use affect the time spent with family and friends?

New to this edition:

The book has been updated for release 15 of the software and the new version of the General Social Survey. New datafiles are available for exercises.

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